Sole Member Operating Agreement Example


When starting a business, one of the most important legal documents to have in place is an operating agreement. This document outlines how a company will be run and managed, including important details like ownership structure, management responsibilities, and more. However, for businesses owned by only one person (known as a sole member), the operating agreement may look a bit different. In this article, we`ll review a sole member operating agreement example and discuss some of the key considerations for creating one.

What is a Sole Member Operating Agreement?

A sole member operating agreement is a legal document that outlines how a company owned by one person will be run and managed. Although it shares many similarities with a traditional operating agreement, there are some key differences due to the fact that only one person is involved. For example, there may not be any need to outline ownership percentages or voting rights, since the sole member will be making all decisions.

Why is a Sole Member Operating Agreement Important?

Even though a sole member operating agreement may be simpler than a traditional operating agreement, it is still an important legal document to have in place. By outlining how the company will be run and managed, the agreement can help prevent future disputes or misunderstandings. It can also help the sole member ensure that they are following all legal requirements for their business structure.

Sole Member Operating Agreement Example

Below is an example of what a sole member operating agreement might look like. Keep in mind that this is just one possible example – depending on your business`s specific needs, your operating agreement may look different.


This operating agreement (“Agreement”) is made on [date] by and between [sole member`s name], the sole member of [company name] (the “Company”).

Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this Agreement is to outline how the Company will be run and managed. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:

– Management of the Company

– Powers and responsibilities of the sole member

– Capital contributions and distributions

– Dissolution of the Company

Management of the Company

The sole member shall have full authority to manage and control the Company, subject to any legal requirements or restrictions.

Powers and Responsibilities

The sole member shall have the following powers and responsibilities:

– Approve all business decisions and transactions

– Sign contracts and agreements on behalf of the Company

– Manage the financial affairs of the Company, including making investments and managing debts

– Hire and terminate employees or contractors

– Take any other action necessary or appropriate for the operation of the Company

Capital Contributions and Distributions

The sole member shall be responsible for making any necessary capital contributions to the Company. The sole member shall also have the right to receive distributions from the Company`s profits in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.


In the event that the Company is dissolved, the sole member shall be responsible for winding down the business and distributing any remaining assets in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.


While a sole member operating agreement may be relatively simple compared to a traditional operating agreement, it is still an important legal document to have in place. By outlining how the company will be run and managed, the agreement can help prevent future disputes or misunderstandings. If you`re starting a business as a sole member, be sure to work with a qualified attorney to create an operating agreement that meets your specific needs.
