Uruguay round Trade Agreement


The Uruguay Round Trade Agreement (URTA) was a landmark agreement signed by members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1994. This agreement helped to substantially reduce trade barriers and promote global economic growth. In this article, we will discuss the background of the URTA, the key provisions of the agreement, and its impact on the global economy.

Background of the URTA

The URTA was the eighth round of negotiations conducted under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and it lasted from 1986 to 1994. The negotiations involved representatives from 123 countries and were aimed at reducing trade barriers, promoting market access, and strengthening the rules-based trading system.

The key provisions of the URTA

The URTA included several key provisions that aimed to promote free trade and reduce barriers to trade. Some of the key provisions include:

1. Reduction of tariffs – The URTA reduced tariffs on a range of goods and services, making it easier for businesses to trade across borders.

2. Increased market access – The URTA required countries to open their markets to foreign goods and services, providing greater opportunities for businesses to expand and compete globally.

3. Protection of intellectual property – The URTA included provisions for the protection of intellectual property rights, which helped to promote innovation and investment in research and development.

4. Dispute settlement mechanism – The URTA established a dispute settlement mechanism to resolve trade disputes between member countries and promote compliance with WTO rules.

Impact of the URTA on the global economy

The URTA has had a significant impact on the global economy. According to the WTO, the URTA helped to boost global trade by more than $1 trillion, or about 10%, in its first few years of operation. It also led to the creation of new markets and the expansion of existing ones, which helped to increase economic growth and job opportunities.

Furthermore, the URTA helped to promote the principles of free trade and the rules-based trading system, which continue to underpin global trade today. It also provided a blueprint for future trade negotiations, including negotiations for the current Doha Round of trade talks.


The Uruguay Round Trade Agreement was a landmark agreement that helped to reduce trade barriers and promote global economic growth in the 1990s. Its key provisions, including the reduction of tariffs, increased market access, and protection of intellectual property, had a significant impact on the global economy and continue to shape global trade today. With the rise of protectionism and trade tensions in recent years, the principles of free trade and the rules-based trading system promoted by the URTA remain as relevant as ever.
