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    Quasi agreement is a term used in legal writing to refer to a situation where two parties agree on a particular point, but do so for different reasons. This type of agreement is not a complete agreement, as the parties have different understandings of the issues involved.

    Quasi agreement is often used in legal writing where parties have come to an agreement, but there are remaining disputes or issues that are not fully resolved. In such cases, the parties may agree on some points and disagree on others. It is important to note that quasi agreement is not a legally binding agreement, as the parties do not have the same understanding of the terms of the agreement.

    For example, in a contract negotiation, one party may agree to a particular point, but only because they believe it is a minor issue and not worth fighting over. The other party may agree to the same point, but for very different reasons, such as believing it is essential to the contract. This would be considered a quasi agreement.

    It is important for legal writers to understand the concept of quasi agreement, as it can have an impact on how they communicate their arguments. If one party only agreed to a point for a specific reason, then it may be possible to argue that the point is not valid and should not be included in the final agreement.

    For copy editors, it is important to ensure that legal documents clearly communicate any instances of quasi agreement. This can involve carefully examining the language used in the document and ensuring that it accurately reflects the parties` understandings of the issues involved.

    In conclusion, quasi agreement is a term used in legal writing to describe a situation where parties agree on a particular point, but for different reasons. It is important for legal writers to understand this concept and communicate it clearly in their documents. Copy editors can play a critical role in ensuring that quasi agreement is clearly communicated and accurately reflected in legal documents.